TIM Group のホワイト・ブラック度 / 2ちゃんねる掲示板口コミなど 人気の理由から、激務・やばい・やめとけと言われる不満の理由まで
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TIM Groupのホワイト度・ブラック度を記載しているページです。転職先を探すのに役立つ情報を探すならキャリコネで!
TIM Groupホワイト度・ブラック度チェック
TIM Group
TIM Groupの口コミをすべて見たい方へ
TIM Group | その他金融業界 | |
平均年収 | まだ評価がありません | 415万円 |
平均有給消化率 | 100% | 55% |
月の平均残業時間 | まだ評価がありません | 21時間 |
月の平均休日出勤日数 | まだ評価がありません | 1日 |
企業情報は投稿者1人のデータから算出、 業界情報は業界の全投稿データから算出
TIM Groupの口コミをすべて見たい方へ
まずは無料会員登録(1分)TIM Groupホワイト度を高く評価した社員の口コミ
TIM Groupの口コミをすべて見たい方へ
まずは無料会員登録(1分)- 2ch掲示板
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TIM Group知恵袋
この英語の翻訳を是非教えて頂きたいです>.<韓国ドラマ「サイン」の中のセリフなのですが…沢山あって申し訳ないのですけれど>.<どうぞよろしくお願い致しますm__m 1 = Daily laborer, Kim Gun Woo's death event = Defender for the old site. Death caused by the opposition and the civic group. 2 Advocate for the death of the ruling party due to illness in constr ...続きを見る
翻訳をしてほしいです。英語がわからない上に経済用語アメリカ株の知識がないものでよくわかりません。 Gen-Probe Poised to Gain 33% as Profits Prove Superior: Real M&A Gen-Probe Poised to Gain 33% as Profits Prove Superior: Real M&A .Gen-Probe Inc. (GPRO), the tester of sexually transmitted diseases that jumped 18 percent on speculation it will be sold, may still be worth $1.3 billion m ...続きを見る
和訳お願いします Day after day, often seven days a week,Jim Klurfeld worked Incredibl y long
和訳お願いします Day after day, often seven days a week,Jim Klurfeld worked Incredibl y long hours. His job was his life, and he found little time to spend wi th his family or for recreation. He couldn't even enjoy the rare mom ents of relaxation he had because he felt too guilty about not workin g. But early one morning, while reading the newspaper on his way to work, he was amazed to see his life-style and feelings describ ...続きを見る
温暖化問題の本質か? Guest essay by Dr. Tim Ball Elaine Dewar spent several days with Mau
温暖化問題の本質か? Guest essay by Dr. Tim Ball Elaine Dewar spent several days with Maurice Strong at the UN and concluded in her book The Cloak of Green that, “Strong was using the U.N. as a platform to sell a global environment crisis and the Global Governance Agenda.” Strong conjectured about a small group of world leaders who decided the rich countries were “the principle risk to the world.” These countries refu ...続きを見る
和訳お願いします Day after day, often seven days a week, Jim Klurfeld worked Incredibly long
和訳お願いします Day after day, often seven days a week, Jim Klurfeld worked Incredibly long hours. His job was his life, and he found little time to spend with his family or for recreation. He couldn't even enjoy the rare moments of relaxation he had because he felt too guilty about not working. But early one morning, while reading the newspaper on his way to work, he was amazed to see his life-style and feelings described ...続きを見る