Canal de Panama のホワイト・ブラック度 / 2ちゃんねる掲示板口コミなど 人気の理由から、激務・やばい・やめとけと言われる不満の理由まで
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Canal de Panamaホワイト度・ブラック度チェック
Canal de Panama
Canal de Panamaの口コミをすべて見たい方へ
Canal de Panama | サービス業界 | |
平均年収 | 208万円 | 373万円 |
平均有給消化率 | 100% | 51% |
月の平均残業時間 | まだ評価がありません | 26時間 |
月の平均休日出勤日数 | まだ評価がありません | 1日 |
企業情報は投稿者2人のデータから算出、 業界情報は業界の全投稿データから算出
Canal de Panamaの口コミをすべて見たい方へ
まずは無料会員登録(1分)- 2ch掲示板
- 知恵袋
- ブログ記事
- オンライン記事
Canal de Panama知恵袋
和訳お願いします。 Economic shoe on the other foot Sometimes it comes in the form of a news
和訳お願いします。 Economic shoe on the other foot Sometimes it comes in the form of a news agency dispatch,like the item from Milan explaining how Italians fret about "the spread," a term used to refer to the gap between their high borrowing costs and the low interest rates for Germany.Then there are the disturbing images of rioters setting parts of London on fire or the police using pepper spray to disperse proteste ...続きを見る
英文の意味がわからないです(T_T) どなたか訳してもらえませんか? できれ
英文の意味がわからないです(T_T) どなたか訳してもらえませんか? できれば文法とかも教えてほしいです! "The mood on the streets of Paris is depressing, with people clearly w orried about the future," said Maria Cristina Terra, a Brazilian economist who moved to France four years ago. "It's a shock to all of us who saw Europe as solid and prosperous, but the contrast with Bra ...続きを見る
和訳お願いします Before the Panama Canal was built, trade between the West and the East was
和訳お願いします Before the Panama Canal was built, trade between the West and the East was extremely difficult. To get from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean - for example, from Tokyo to New York -— ships had to sail around Cape Horn at the southern tip of South America. This added about a month of travel time to most journeys. It was also very dangerous. In the early 1500s a Spanish explorer named Vasco Nufiez de B ...続きを見る