株式会社WAVE International のホワイト・ブラック度 / 2ちゃんねる掲示板口コミなど 人気の理由から、激務・やばい・やめとけと言われる不満の理由まで
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株式会社WAVE Internationalホワイト度・ブラック度チェック
株式会社WAVE International
株式会社WAVE Internationalの口コミをすべて見たい方へ
株式会社WAVE International | 繊維製品業界 | |
平均年収 | 428万円 | 344万円 |
平均有給消化率 | 80% | 46% |
月の平均残業時間 | まだ評価がありません | 21時間 |
月の平均休日出勤日数 | まだ評価がありません | 1日 |
企業情報は投稿者1人のデータから算出、 業界情報は業界の全投稿データから算出
株式会社WAVE Internationalの口コミをすべて見たい方へ
まずは無料会員登録(1分)- 2ch掲示板
- 知恵袋
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株式会社WAVE International知恵袋
大大大至急!!!!!!!!!!!!翻訳してください!!!!!!!Even this week, the Jamaican track team was making headlines for the wrong reasons – a complicated doping case. Then a group of athletes who were uninvited to the worlds by the country’s track officials because they didn’t participate in team training camp got reinvited at the request of international officials. Bolt made everyone forge ...続きを見る
500枚!!和訳お願いいたします!!Going green has become good business.Just look
500枚!!和訳お願いいたします!!Going green has become good business.Just look at store shelves: Sales of "green" products, such as organic foods and natural personal care items, have jumped 15 percent since 2006, according to research firm Mintel International.A wave of promotion is hitting consumers during this week's 40th anniversary Earth Day observances: Hanes says it can put you in eco-friendly unde ...続きを見る
CiuciuというWAVE Internationalのメーカーが、都内及び川崎、横浜エリアでどこ
CiuciuというWAVE Internationalのメーカーが、都内及び川崎、横浜エリアでどこにあるか教えてください。 ...続きを見る
英語の問題の回答をお願いいたします。(なぜその答えになるのかもお願いします!!)①Try not to think of the singing competition ( ) winning or losing. A. with thanks to B. in term of C. because of D. owing to②Hearing the news of the approaching hurricane, everyone in the city ( ) with terror. A. has struck B. was striking C. was struck D. had been striking ③Dave ( ) the birds free last week, but today ...続きを見る
5 minutes speechの原稿です。長いんですが添削お願いします!I will talk about S
5 minutes speechの原稿です。長いんですが添削お願いします!I will talk about Smartphone.Smartphone is mobile. It has provided with PC or PDA functionality.Recently Smartphone is very popular all over the world. Smartphone’s appearance has 2 patterns. 1 pattern is very simple body. It hasn’t button. Other pattern has many buttons. It’s looks like keyboard. This time, I talk about before pattern’s. For exampl ...続きを見る
★★★口を開けば【慰安婦】民族が世界に慰安婦を持ちだし大迷惑!★★★ 外国における中国人や韓国人の犯罪は各国で問題になっているが、中国人は窃盗が多いのに対して韓国人は売春や性犯罪、殺人が目立つ。 http://wave.ap.teacup.com/renaissancejapan/1399.html http://cahotjapan.blog103.fc2.com/blog-entry-2074.html 韓国人が多くいる外国の都 ...続きを見る
大大大至急!!!!!!!!!!!翻訳してください!!!!!!!!!!!Even this week, the Jamaican track team was making headlines for the wrong reasons – a complicated doping case. Then a group of athletes who were uninvited to the worlds by the country’s track officials because they didn’t participate in team training camp got reinvited at the request of international officials. Bolt made every ...続きを見る
和訳お願いいたします!!Going green has become good business.Just look at store shelves:
和訳お願いいたします!!Going green has become good business.Just look at store shelves: Sales of "green" products, such as organic foods and natural personal care items, have jumped 15 percent since 2006, according to research firm Mintel International.A wave of promotion is hitting consumers during this week's 40th anniversary Earth Day observances: Hanes says it can put you in eco-friendly underwear, Frito-Lay o ...続きを見る
英語が全く分からなくて困ってます。女性のFminismについて知りたいのですが訳せる方いたら訳してください。追記に英文を載せます。翻訳機にかけても分からなかったので分かりやすく説明していただけると光栄です。What is sometimes termed ‘second-wave’ feminism emerged, after the Second World War, in several countries. In 1947, a Commission on the Statu ...続きを見る
これは昨日のUNニュースの一つですが、最初のセンテンスを説明していただけないでしょうか。"its facing"が "it's facing"だとしても、whichが、前のこと全てを指すとしても、納得いきません。" which is facing...."だったら、解るのですが。UN ASSISTANCE GIVES THAI OFFICIALS BETTER MONITORING DATA TO DEAL WITH FLOOD CRISISNew York, Oct 29 ...続きを見る