株式会社Work・Wear・Japan のホワイト・ブラック度 / 2ちゃんねる掲示板口コミなど 人気の理由から、激務・やばい・やめとけと言われる不満の理由まで
レポート数 2 件
株式会社Work・Wear・Japan | 小売業界 | |
平均年収 | 204万円 | 342万円 |
平均有給消化率 | 70% | 44% |
月の平均残業時間 | 50.0時間 | 25時間 |
月の平均休日出勤日数 | 2.0日 | 1日 |
企業情報は投稿者2人のデータから算出、 業界情報は業界の全投稿データから算出
まずは無料会員登録(1分)- 2ch掲示板
- 知恵袋
- ブログ記事
- ニュース記事
- オンライン記事
下の文章、添削頼みます! 私は、外国語を学ぶことは、重要だと考えます
下の文章、添削頼みます! 私は、外国語を学ぶことは、重要だと考えます。理由は、3つあります。 1つ目は、外国に行ったとき、困らないようにするためです。私が幼稚園に通っている時、家族旅行で、グアムに行きました。そのとき、私の母も父も、あまり英語が話せず、苦労したと聞いたからです。また、外国に行った ...続きを見る
英文の日本語訳をお願いします。m(_ _)m ※和訳ソフト等を使った回答は固
英文の日本語訳をお願いします。m(_ _)m ※和訳ソフト等を使った回答は固くお断りします。 Previously, the reason people kept animals was because they expected them to perform some so rt of work - dogs were expected to act as guards, cats to catch rats, and so on. However, the need for these kinds of roles has decreased with changes in society and advances in science and technology. These days, if a ...続きを見る
よければ下のぶんを訳してください! cool tennis is fun , and yes your english is goo
よければ下のぶんを訳してください! cool tennis is fun , and yes your english is good. so dont worry, you just need a small amount of work with it. so what bands are you into. also what time is it in japan. its 5:36. but in america 5:36 is 6:36 am. i have school today. i love school its so much fun. only thing is i hate getting up and having to wear a uniform that makes me look like a tree. ...続きを見る
下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします。 The word ‘uniform’ has two meanings. One mea
下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします。 The word ‘uniform’ has two meanings. One meaning is a noun describing the clothes worn by members of a certain group, e.g., a police uniform. The other meaning is an adjective, which means ‘the same all over’. Uniforms are worn in both Japan and North America; however, they are much more common in Japan, and this may relate to the second meaning above. In schools and in the wor ...続きを見る
下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします。 エキサイト翻訳等、翻訳サイトは使
下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします。 エキサイト翻訳等、翻訳サイトは使わずにお願いします。 The word ‘uniform’ has two meanings. One meaning is a noun describing the clothes worn by members of a certain group, e.g., a police uniform. The other meaning is an adjective, which means ‘the same all over’. Uniforms are worn in both Japan and North America; however, they are much more common in Ja ...続きを見る
willとwouldについて聞いて間違いを教えて下さい 僕本当にこれに悩まされて
willとwouldについて聞いて間違いを教えて下さい 僕本当にこれに悩まされて なぜこんなにも混乱してしまったのかっていう 「~だろう」っていう日本語が僕の頭の中から切り離しても切り離しても出てくるのですよ たまにwillもwouldも ~だろう になってしまうのです。 willとwouldの一番いい覚え方はぼく まず強さを数字で表して ...続きを見る
こんばんは。 英文の和訳をお願いします。 Secondly, Japanese manga and anime come i
こんばんは。 英文の和訳をお願いします。 Secondly, Japanese manga and anime come in all types, for all kinds of people. Unlike the U.S., which generally seems to believe that “comics are for kids” (though this has been changing recently), Japanese manga-ka (manga writers) write for everyone from young children to adults. But even the manga for kids is usually not as simple-minded as some TV shows in the U.S. C ...続きを見る
新聞記事で調べてもわからないので訳してください。 An alternative is to limit
新聞記事で調べてもわからないので訳してください。 An alternative is to limit people to necessary travel and to have them wear masks―a tricky thing. Getting people to don masks in Asia is relatively simple, Dr. Bell said. Particularly in Japan, it is considered polite for anyone going to work with a cold to wear one. And in Asian cities full of soot and diesel exhaust, people often wear gauze masks on the street. ...続きを見る
ペンパルとのメールでよく分から無い箇所がたくさんあります。 I don't
ペンパルとのメールでよく分から無い箇所がたくさんあります。 I don't need to take exams right now, but I have one in januari so.... I will have to study hard But I have some time before that so..... But I still have a lot of work to do for school though, I hate it..... but well nothing I can do about it ne? 1.januari so 2.that so..... 3.for school though, I hate it..... but well nothing ...続きを見る
英文の日本語訳をお願いします。m(_ _)m Previously, the reason people kept animals was
英文の日本語訳をお願いします。m(_ _)m Previously, the reason people kept animals was because they expected them to perform some sort of work - dogs were expected to act as guar ds, cats to catch rats, and so on. However, the need for these kinds of roles has decreased with changes in society and advances in science and technology. These days, if a dog were to bark at everybody or a cat were to catch a mouse, the owne ...続きを見る