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お礼250枚!!JK1雑誌の話!!JK1なんですけど、いまだ雑誌を買ったことありません泣服の系統は分かるんですけど、それと合った雑誌がわかりません泣系統はセシル、イング、ダズリンの中のガーリー系じゃない大人っぽいクール系が好きなんです!!スキニー中心でスカートとかないです。でも白系は好きで白のニットワンピとかな ...続きを見る
『至急250枚』英語の文章、和訳をお願いします!! 意味が取れれば大丈夫
『至急250枚』英語の文章、和訳をお願いします!! 意味が取れれば大丈夫ですので、大筋を立てていただくだけでもうれしいです! >< But what we have failed to address is the reverse phenomenon: what exactly awaits us when we "return" to the quote-unquote motherland. As a society we carry romantic notions of stepping off the plane – or boat – and being met with open ar ...続きを見る
次の対話文の和訳を教えてください。できたら表現上の傾向、対話の文体からわかる話者のどのような心理が読み取れるのか教えてください。C:Any idea who that girl in the black hat is?F:Name's Carrie.C:Pretty.F:American.C:Interesting.F:Slut.C:Really?F:Used to work at Vogue.Live in America now.Only goes out with very glamorous people.Out of your league.C:That's a relief.お願いしま ...続きを見る
Heeeelp Heeeelp for someone who speaks English very well!!Can you tell me good English words recentl
Heeeelp Heeeelp for someone who speaks English very well!!Can you tell me good English words recently?Lately I've not been in overseas and not had talk with the native or English speakers.So I wanna know any words in vogue.Tell me! folks!! ...続きを見る
日本語訳をどうかよろしくお願いします。翻訳サイトだと日本語にならないので;;She is remarkable, and particularly so because she is black. Sarah Doukas, head of the Storm modelling agency, to which Jourdan is signed, (and who famously discovered Kate Moss), says: "I'm very excited for her. I feel, if she does have great success, she will have a big effect on the way people look at different kinds ...続きを見る
日本語訳をお願いしますm(_ _)mThis, however, can only be part of the explanation. There is
日本語訳をお願いしますm(_ _)mThis, however, can only be part of the explanation. There is also evidence that ethnic women have been ambivalent about their own kind of look for many years. For decades, women with dark skin the. world over have tried to make their skin paler or their hair straighter , sometimes with dangerous chemicals. The model Alek Wek recently told Vogue India that, in her native Sudan, her dark skin is loo ...続きを見る
和訳添削お願いします。In three ads that appeared in the Shanghai-based Chinese language m
和訳添削お願いします。In three ads that appeared in the Shanghai-based Chinese language magazine Funu zashi(Ladies'Journal), the Times of India newspaper, and U.S. Vogue between 1926 and 1931, the image of the Modern Girl varies little.意味的には、「1926年~1931年に上海に拠点を置く中国語の雑誌Funu zashi(女性誌)とインド紙と米国のvogueに書かれていた3つの広告ではモダンガー ...続きを見る
あなたの愛読している雑誌は?あなたの愛読している雑誌を教えて下さい!【雑誌名】【その雑誌のファッションスタイル】【人気、有名なモデル】↑の3つの事に答えて下さい^^↑に書いていないことも書いて下さって結構です♪たくさんのご回答楽しみにしています(*^_^*)Seventeen Popteen egg PS mini Domani Grazia STORY eclat nicola ピ ...続きを見る
浜崎あゆみの50thシングルについて浜崎あゆみの50thシングルについて質問します。50thシングルはズバリ、誰に作曲して欲しいですか?参考資料西村はなさんSunrise 〜LOVE is ALL〜/Sunset 〜LOVE is ALL〜中野雄太さんtalkin' 2 myself/decision/Mirror/Mirrorcle World/EnergizE/identity/LOVE 'n' HATE/Microphone/Don't look back/Sexy little thingsSWEETBOXさんBold & Delicious/Pride ...続きを見る
As I mentioned in Vogue, Sarah Jaxheimer went to middle school with me and had great hair. She's a l
As I mentioned in Vogue, Sarah Jaxheimer went to middle school with me and had great hair. She's a lovely girl. Blog sites, calm down. 英語に訳して下さい$ ...続きを見る