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A Power Now株式会社
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A Power Now株式会社 | サービス業界 | |
平均年収 | 310万円 | 373万円 |
平均有給消化率 | 3% | 51% |
月の平均残業時間 | まだ評価がありません | 26時間 |
月の平均休日出勤日数 | まだ評価がありません | 1日 |
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A Power Now株式会社の口コミをすべて見たい方へ
まずは無料会員登録(1分)A Power Now株式会社ホワイト度を低く評価した社員の口コミ
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A Power Now株式会社知恵袋
下記英文の中の"let loose with both barrels"の意味が理解できません。 ど
下記英文の中の"let loose with both barrels"の意味が理解できません。 どなたか教えていただけないでしょうか? イギリスの新聞ガーディアンからのものです。As the president prepares to be inaugurated on Monday for a second term, Cruz, who is a Tea Party favourite freshly elected from Texas, let loose with both barrels. "He is feeling right now high on his own power!" ...続きを見る
日本語に訳していただけますか?よろしくお願いします。Hospitals everywhere a
日本語に訳していただけますか?よろしくお願いします。Hospitals everywhere are realizing that taking care of a patient involves administering to the mind,not just the body. Anything that enhances healing is now considered a useful tool,no matter how strange it may sound.One of the most popular-and effective-concepts in caregiving these days is music therapy.Over the last ten years,more and more hospitals and othe ...続きを見る
どなたかこの英文の訳をお願いします。テストに出るのですが分からなくて( ;´Д`)To the ancient Geeks, the Olympics symbolized man's capacity for athletic excellence.The Gameswere originally held as a tribute to the gods of Olympus and continued through Roman times.In 393 A.D., the Emperor Theodosius banned the Olympics, saying they had become more like a cheap circus than a celebration of sport.No more ...続きを見る
ドイツ連邦についての文章です。After 1815 central Europe remained as fragmented as eve
ドイツ連邦についての文章です。After 1815 central Europe remained as fragmented as ever, held together now by the loose ties of the German Confederation, a secularized descendent of Holy Roman Empire and a loose alliance of 39 states and cities. It was presided over by the Austrian emperor and it represented a last attempt to prevent Germany from becoming a compact power at the center and to maintain it as the playing fiel ...続きを見る
Adams Avoids War#33 質問02この文章はVOAの一節です。学習を目的に、訳
Adams Avoids War#33 質問02この文章はVOAの一節です。学習を目的に、訳してみました。間違いを指摘して頂きたいと思います。よろしくお願いします。www.manythings.org/voa/history<= Back [ Program 33 ] Next =>Adams was a member of the Federalist Party. As president, he should have been party leader. But this position belonged to a man who really knew how to get and use polit ...続きを見る
Back in black が歌いたいなと思ったのですが英語が読めませんwwカタカナに、
Back in black が歌いたいなと思ったのですが英語が読めませんwwカタカナに、してください! お願いします!Back in black I hit the sack I've been too long I'm glad to be back Yes I'm, let loose From the noose That's kept me hanging about I keep looking at the sky 'Cause it's gettin' me high Forget the herse 'cause I'll never die I got nine lives Cat's eyes Usin' every one of them and running wild 'Cau ...続きを見る
英語の得意な方にお願いがありますインターネットで英文をつくったので、間違ってる箇所を直してほしいです。My favorite celebrity is Johnny Depp. Because, I like acting and inner ofJohnny Depp.Johnny Depp, has been active in various movies now but childhood seemed to repeat the self-inflicted because of stress It is he who had sent the youth to say I started drinking at the age of 12, and get ...続きを見る
この英文の日本語訳をお願いいたします! When Usain Bolt of jamaica won the gold m
この英文の日本語訳をお願いいたします! When Usain Bolt of jamaica won the gold medal in the 100 meters at the Beijing Olympics, he not only set a new world record, but also made it necessary for researchers to reassess their data. lt was not Bolt’s record time that was a shock. In fact, statisticians have predicted that a human being will eventually run 100 meters in 9.45 seconds. But according to the curren ...続きを見る
英訳今度英語の授業でスピーキングテストを行います。その英文が間違ってないか、また、わからない英訳を教えていただきたいです。I'm trying to save electricity to protect theenvironment.(私は環境保護のために節電を心がけています。)In Japan,almost power generation is thermal power generation now.(日本では今、ほとんどの発電は火力発電です)It isn't ...続きを見る
“If I Could Fall in Love”の歌詞の和訳をお願いします。When I was young I fell in lo
“If I Could Fall in Love”の歌詞の和訳をお願いします。When I was young I fell in love She was a goddess With a world inside of her mind When she moved on Something went wrong She took my power And the love I had inside Now that I found you I don’t know how toIf I could fall In love again I’d fall in love with youIf I could change A grain of sand Into a pearl I wouldI pray in time I’ll come to find Away to break th ...続きを見る